It’s Okay For Us To Be Wrong

We want to have the "right" answers all the time. We want to look like we know what we're doing. We hate the idea of "looking bad" in front of the world. We like to focus on the positive. But we're human. [Click title to read more.]

The Childfree Christian

My husband and I are confident and comfortable that God has not led us to have children. We're also aware that not having children makes us outliers in God's body. Here's what you need to know about the childless or childfree Christians among you. [Click title to read more,]

Facing The Eye Of The Needle

When Matthew 19:24 tells us the story of the rich young ruler and reminds us that it's harder for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God, we say, "That's true, that's true." Rarely do we consider ourselves the rich man. But the likelihood is that you do, indeed, qualify as "rich." [Click title to read more]

The Need for Immediacy

Convenience and multi-tasking and ease aren't bad things. We shouldn't scoff at them. It doesn't hone your character or make you morally superior to sit in line to cash a check rather than to do it electronically. But in our pursuit of convenience and in our attempts to make life easier for ourselves, we must never sweep others aside. [Click title to read more.]