
Below are the studies I’ve written that are currently available for purchase, with the most recent at the top:

The Hunger Blessing Final

Spiritual hunger isn’t a curse. We know this because Jesus calls it blessed in Matthew 5:6. God desires for us to be hungry, because our hunger drives us to Him and it leads us to live for Him.

Hunger is a divine imperative. It is a gift. A motivator. It keeps calling us back to the Bread and the Water.

But most of us prefer not to feel hunger, not for any longer than it takes to sate it. Sure, we want a lot of things from God, from the tall to the small – security and comfort and material goods and happiness and ease and blessings – but we don’t have the desire to desire God.

If we’re honest with ourselves, we often sate ourselves on God’s provision for us rather than satisfying ourselves with God’s presence. In our attempts to stave off hunger, we nourish our immediate wants at the expense of a greater relationship with Him. We pursue the gifts without pursuing the Giver; we desire love without desiring the Lover.

We content ourselves with crumbs, not bread, and hope to ward off any deeper need.

But that stops today. In the six chapters of this Bible study, we’ll discuss how to cultivate, maintain, and properly satisfy your spiritual hunger. We’ll learn how to begin to desire God. His word promises that He wishes to be close to us,after all, and if we reach out with seeking hearts, we’ll find that the hunger blessing is waiting for each and every one of us.

Come join me in pursuing a voracious spiritual hunger.

Purchase the study here for $1.99. Print copies available for an extra charge upon request.

Humility Cover 2 final

What makes Christian humility “Christian”?
What’s the difference between acting humbly and being a doormat?
How can believers integrate such a seemingly vague virtue into their life in practical, thoughtful ways?

This study on humility answers those questions and more in a series of six meditations that can be read as a weekly or daily study, and focuses on a simple, critical truth: that believers must abandon popular myths about what humility is, and instead set aside both agenda and entitlement to express great love by seeing people the way that God does.

Purchase it here at Amazon.  Print copies available for an extra charge upon request.

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