Six Teaching Tips For Sunday School Or Small Group Leaders

Many people have the calling to teach, but lack the training that might help them be better or more effective at doing so. In light of that, here's a set of six tips for teachers and small group leaders who might otherwise be going it alone. [Click title to read more.]

To Christians Starting College In Fall: A Letter From A College Professor

A list of things you ought to know from the fellow believer who stands at the front of the classroom [Click title to read more]

The Slow Fade of Consistent, Independent Bible Study

If believers lose the desire among themselves for consistent, individual, and independent Bible study, we've lost the core of our entire Christian walk: the foundation of our understanding of God, of Christ, of the Holy Spirit, and of what He expects and desires of us. [Click title to read more.]

As A Christian, Doing Your Best Is Not The Exception. It’s The Rule.

God obviously doesn't expect that every Christian will be a CEO or a straight-A student or first chair violin in the orchestra. But he does expect wholehearted effort, exemplary behavior, and diligent work: the fundamental elements, in other words, of a good student, a good worker, a good citizen. [Click title to read more.]

Speaking In Tongues: How Foreign Language Study Can Benefit The Church

Jesus never spoke a word of English; Christians today speak a multitude of languages. And yet the language we speak, regardless of what we speak, is a gateway to understanding: know someone's language and you know a little bit of their culture, their life, and their worldview. And it's with that thought in mind I want to discuss the benefits of foreign language study within the church. [Click title to read more.]

My Students Don’t Read

I can't give up on them. And I can't because there are so many things I don't do, even when I know I should and have clear instructions and plenty of time and every reason in the world to be motivated. [Click title to read more.]

Building A Bridge Between Faith And Academia: Three Thoughts

If you watch the news or listen to enough general talk, you'll hear this: that academics think Christians are fusty, backwards, ignorant folk who are anti-science and anti-education and anti-learning, and that Christians think academics are liberal secularists bent on annihilating Christianity as we know it. As always, the most popular narrative isn't always the correct one. [Click title to read more.]